A cause for celebration in Covid

One good things came out of this awful coronavirus pandemic…!

While I’ve spent 80% of the lockdown on unpaid furlough with no money and trying to home educate both the kids – until Isla started school in September – I used the time to tick something off my bucket list.

I’ve always wanted to write and publish a book. Back in 2014, I wrote about a third of a romance/thriller that’s semi-based on my expriences but then Isla came along, so that’s still sitting on a USB stick in my drawer.

But then when lockdown hit and I was at home with both kids, I was suddenly blessed with a couple of hours of quiet time each day when Rory would be napping and Isla wanted to have some downtime, snuggled up with a Disney film, so I thought I’d make use of this time and actually do something.

The idea for a children’s book literally just popped into my head one day after I’d been reading Rory his bedtime story, and the image of a tiger stuck upside down in a beehive came into my head. Without giving too much away, I then started to think about what other animals stuck in the wrong habitats would make for an amusing read.

Within a few weeks, my first children’s book was written, proofread by my news editor friend and his fabulous primary school teacher wife, and sent off to five publishers.

I honestly didn’t expect to hear anything, I was just pleased that I’d actually followed through with one of my ambitions and written a book.

So to stay I was thrilled when, in August, I was offered a publishing deal for my book, is an understandment! I’ve kept this to myself for now to make sure it was all going smoothly, but now’s the time!

So at the moment, my book, entitled ‘We Don’t Live There!’ is currently being illustrated and I’m hoping it’ll be in the shops and on Amazon by Spring 2021. Eeek!

So what I’m asking now is for a little help boosting my social media profile so I can promote the hell out of my book when it’s published.

If everyone wouldn’t mind either liking or sharing my Twitter page or my Instagram account that would be amazing – I’d love to spread the word about my debut novel!

And as a footnote, I was told back in 2006 by a bloke called ‘Adey’ that I’d never write a book, it would just never happen and I’d be one of those people who just talked about it but would never actually do it. Well, if you’re reading this ‘Prince of Adeyness’… 